Monthly Archives: January 2015

Grit or Get Off The Pot


“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.” – William Gibson.

Have you ever shared your life’s grand plan with someone and in an instant your dreams were dashed with negativity? We all encounter discouraging naysayers on our path, but it’s particularly difficult to stay focused in reaching our goals when those closest to us can’t or won’t be our support system along the way. Danielle is experiencing this right now and commented about it on my Facebook page. Here’s her story: I’ve wanted to become a writer for quite some time. The only problem is my family doesn’t support me in my decision. They say things


Here’s what’s #trending right now in my inbox: BFF break-ups. The silent but deadly kind where you both wake up and are no longer following each other on Instagram. If you are female over the age of nine you know what I’m talking about. This is Kendra’s story:

Hi Lisi! I have a problem, maybe you can help. You always give the best advice. It’s about my best friend, now my ex-best friend. We met at work two years ago and became best friends fast but then I noticed that she always had a lot of free time and nobody else except me to fill it. She became really needy. Problem is, I have a TON of people in my

Networking The Room

Last week I mentioned one reader’s comment caught my attention. Here’s what Juliet asked:

Lisi, what is the best way to network? Especially if everyone in the room is richer/more accompished than you are?  I’m about to go off to a fancy college and need to know how!

First, Juliet, you have to know what makes you valuable. To start, get the phrase “everyone in the room is richer/more accomplished than you” out of your noggin because people can sniff out insecurity and it smells like a dude’s locker room. Just because someone is rich doesn’t mean they’re better than you. One of my favorite quotes comes from Dorothy Parker: “If you want to know what God thinks about money, …

Party Animals

What did I do over the holiday, you ask? I hung out with some true party animals. Meet my new friends.

my bunny friend



Photos aren’t enough proof I can party with the best of them? Here’s some video evidence I’ve still got it, at least over the holiday season.

[wpvideo 3lJCj8eY]

No Belly is cuter than this Belly.

I’ve read through some of the messages and comments you left while I was away and one got my attention that I’ll be addressing on the blah-g. Juliet asked, what are the best ways to network? Heck if I know but I’ll think about it and get back to you next week.


