Spray It Forward

We’ve all heard the expression, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” We’ve heard, “Life imitates art.” But yesterday, I birthed its love child. Meet, “You are seriously, never in a billion years, ehv-er, going to believe this.” Born, Wednesday, September 12th at approximately 2:30 PM/PST.
I had twenty pages to go on my Phoenix Five revision. Right on schedule. After I sent draft two to my editor I would post my Blah-g, and then file my quarterly taxes. A to-do-list-lover’s dream day.
Being human, I took a break and bought a salad from a fancy, organic, vegan, healthy-high-horse, we’re-awesome-‘cause-we-eat-kale-instead-of-anything-with-eyes-or-lungs-and-our-yogurt-has-live-active-cultures-in-it kind of place. And a Coke Zero. (Human remember?)
I returned to my desk to eat and finish off my last twenty pages. This being one of them.

Screen Shot of "Too Much Barfing" Note from Erin

Click to enlarge photo.

Can you zoom that blue box on the right? It’s a note from Erin, my editor. She is telling me to stop making so many “barf” references. She thinks there are too many in the book. She suggested I have Duffy feel “dizzy” instead. I agreed and made the change. I typed “dizzy” and (here’s the freaky part) I began to feel dizzy. I typed “sweaty” and began to sweat. I re-read the barfing moment and I swear I began to dry heave.
I started to panic.
Twenty-Five Things You don’t Know About Me.
1 through 25: I HATE PUKING.
I get it, no one likes it. But it is one of my biggest fears EVER! I’d rather be trapped in a crowded elevator and have violent diarrhea than puke in privacy. Also, I have never puked in a toilet. I can’t possibly see how sticking my head in a contaminated bowl is supposed to make me feel better. Plastic bags or trash cans only. So trash can it was.
I was crying, sweating, and dying alone. I wanted to text Kevy my life-crush but I couldn’t move. Eventually I managed.
I typed:
(No response)
I reach out to Siri. Thank gawd someone was there for me.

Ca-lling Ke-vy Harrison.
He answered on the first ring, “Hey, babe!”
I couldn’t help wondering how someone could be that close to his phone and not notice the texts. But I was too weak to fight.
“Puking. Hurry.”
He walked into my office five minutes later, laughed, and said, “Holy sH!# you look bad.”
Again, too weak to fight.
I think we rode home in our golf cart. I don’t remember.
I called the restaurant today to tell them about their evil food. They offered me a free yogurt. I invited them to join me in a crowded elevator.
Off to do my taxes now. Jealous?


P.S. Thank you for the positive feedback on the new site. I know some of you miss the old one so to help you acclimate we are working to bring back the old background, or at least get a familiar color scheme going. Let me know if that helps once it’s installed.


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  • sorry says:

    YOU STOP READING YOU WILL DIE TONIGHT. Hi im Mike. Im 11 years old but im dead now, I had no friends… If you do not post this to 20 pictures you will die tonight at exactly 11:59pm. DONT BELIEVE ME? A guy named Jake read this and laughed later that night I took a knife out of his kitchen and stabbed him to death. You dont wanna be Jake do you? A girl named Sandra read this and only posted it to 10 pictures SILLY GIRL SHES ONLY 11 BUT OH WELL. That day she saw me and ran to her grandmas house…She asked her could she use the bathroom… but guess what I was already there Shes now in a coma. A smart guy named Phill read this and posted it to 20 pictures because he was scared… The next morning he won the lottery And his Girlfriend accepted his marrige. 0 pictures-Death 10 pics- Coma 20-Pics somthing good will happen. TIC TOC

  • el says:

    lol! It kinda reminds me of this movie I once watched I think its called “Stranger than Fiction”

  • Arianna says:

    Maggie/Nadia- Not to brag, but I have some of the best dreams. I love sleeping because of my dreams.

  • Maggie says:

    Why do I have so many dreams about flying in grocery stores wearing fancy jeans? It’s my 10th in the past few months! and they’re all diffrent! last night was a murder-mystery-sleepover-cheetoh-worshipping-magazines one. another was drawing a cheat code at super target to fly. one was underwater so it was like i was flying. in harris teeter. I have a weird brain.

    • nadiabean21 says:

      Wow.. wish I had those dreams. I wake up and after 3 seconds I forget my dreams.

      • Maggie says:

        that happens to me most of the time. and most of the time my dreams are gross, inappropriote, and confusing. so much so I can’t say them out loud. they’re impossible to explain. I can’t even do it to myself. Most of the time I wake up remembering a cute jacket or a magazine from my dream and can’t even see a clear picture of it. and most of the time in my dream i’m like “this is just like my dream i had a few months ago and i wake up wondering if i’m remembering a real dream or it’s just a chunk of my 1 dream. and dreams shift in the middle so unexpectedly it just seems so odd. I like alice through the looking glass cause it really captures the essence of a dream. AKA, shifts unexpectedly and makes no sense.

  • nadiabean21 says:

    Ughhhhhh iOS 6 is taking forever to download on my iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • nadiabean21 says:

    You go Arianna! Haha have you ever lost an argument?

  • Maggie says:

    I can NOT focus to get this story done. I’m trying so hard and only just finished chapter 1. and it sucks so I’m revising like crazy.

    • nadiabean21 says:

      Go outside take a walk and get a deep breath of fresh air. Then imagine your thoughts being thrown away, ripped up and thrown down the toilet, or burned etc. It usually helps for me to think of my thoughts being ruined and then my mind is clear. 🙂

  • Zula says:

    Haylee – I cant reply to your comment anymore? 🙁 That upsets me, I like replying straight to a comment! On GG I ship Chair – I cant cope with Dair, it’s just too many levels of wrong, Blair and Chuck were made for each other, like Romeo and Juliet! But, I do ship Dan/Serena, they’re cute together, they just need to realise it! Not a huge fan of Nate/Jenny or Nate/Charlie! He really needs a nice girl for him in season 6! Can I offer myself for the part? 😉
    Haha, who doesn’t like Irish accents?! Crazy people fo’ sho’! You horseride? Thats so cool! I’ve always loved horses but never been able to make time for riding lessons, tell me about him?! what does he look like, how does he act?
    I’m a HUGE Hart of Dixie fan, when my sister was at Uni last year we would watch the episodes online when they came out in the U.S then when the other had seen it call and have a massive chat about it! I personally prefer Zoe with Wade, I dont think it’s right to break up a couple, especially one that even though its not anywhere close to perfect , is still full of love. BUTTT, at the same time I do kind of love Lemon and Lavon?! Crazaaay stuff in my head! 😛 That video is so cute! BRING ON SEASON 4! I want the Drama. That’s right, with a capital D. oh my gosh I think I’m going delirious!

  • Maggie says:

    My Neon pink pants are eeeeeeeeevvvvviiiiiilllll but they are ah-ddddoooooooorrrrrrraaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbllllleeeee so I wear them.

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    I made a pwoerpoint. what now?

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    sup B)

  • Laura says:


    I nominated you for a Reader Appreciation award. ♥
    (Sorry, I know you probably won’t actually read this. Blah.)

  • Arianna says:

    I really can never have kids. I seriously hate teenagers and pre-teens. Especially the current generation. I’d end up sending my kids to military school or something, (Whihc a lot of kids these days need to go to!) Can’t handle babies either. Don’t get me wrong, I love my baby sister more than anything, but she can drive me crazy sometimes and I never want one of my own. Nope. Never. The only reason I’d ever possibly want a kid is to show everyone else how to properly raise a child. Not a bad mouthing, slutty, disgusting, wannabe criminal thug creature. Kids these days are just awful.

    • Anjor :) says:

      I agree/disagree with you Arianna. Just like you can’t judge a whole group of people based on the actions of one (example: not EVERYONE watches Jersey Shore), I feel like the kids I’m growing up with are actually a bit worrying. I don’t have an iPod (I’ve lived fourteen years without one), and my parents have semi-agreed to a phone (don’t get your panties in a twizzler; it’s a Nokia. The kind that doesn’t break) and it’s only so that I can get home safely. And they will, have no doubt, kill me if I use it for anything but that.
      Also, I can’t believe the way they seem to not care at all. Go shopping every other day, let their grades dive bomb, and gossip about other people every moment. I’m not into any of that, and I’ll admit it; my family runs on a modest middle-class budget. I don’t care. I have a roof over my head, three square meals a day, and people who love be and whom I belong to. That’s more than a lot of people can ask for these days, and it makes me sad when other kids really don’t realize it.
      That being said, I’ve come across really kind, warm-hearted people who are worth knowing and I’m glad to know. I guess what I’m saying is don’t write us all off. 😀 We’re really trying here.
      But it wouldn’t horrible if they found out what actually reading a book is like (OMR! YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY TURN THE PAGES! IT’S BLACK AND WHITE!)
      (on that note; I’m not a big fan of Kindle’s and Nook’s either. :l )

      • Arianna says:

        I totally get what you’re saying, Anjor. Not everyone is bad, but kids today in general are and it makes me sad. I was a teacher’s aid for a freshman class my senior year of high school and everyday I sat there waiting for a kid to be escorted in by their parole officer. People like you and most of the girls on this Blah-g are amazing people and I’m so happy I’ve met y’all. I love you guys, I do. It’s just the people, right now, around me, have pretty much banished all hope I had of there being a good generation because only a small percent of kids these days are actually decent. I’m just hoping people my age and a bit older than me will have enough sense to raise good kids in the future.

        But I’m seriously never having kids. I’d be a terrible parent. I’m a bad influence. Never look up to me or use me as your role model.

  • Maggie says:

    like my new icon? it’s my cat Eddie Bieber-fied!

  • Maggie says:

    lets talk about happy stuff like rainbows, unicorns, and cheese!

  • pinegorilla says:

    That’s not it at all. Congrats on your success with the past two chapters. I’m not going to be rude to you, but this is annoying to everyone I’m sure, and it’s pretty obvious that our personalities clash, so I just think it’s better to not talk to each other.

  • Maggie says:

    3 weeks, 2 pages. Must. Finish. Chapter.
    I can’t focus!

  • Arianna says:

    It was a joke. I’ve always wanted to say that, and that looked like a great time to. Also, I don’t care if you agree with me or not. I know I believe in what’s right and you obviously think sex is worthless and means nothing therefore it doesn’t surprise me you think that abortion is right. And once again, I don’t care about the opinions of a little 13-year-old. Instead of posting about things you know will only create arguments and therefore giving yourself more attention, why don’t you post about things people actually want to talk about.

    Like the Avengers. Best. Movie. Ever.

    • pinegorilla says:

      I’m sorry, I guess I’ve forgotten that I’m so stupid and worthless because of my age. If I wanted attention, I would post things about how I suck as a writer but then go on about how you don’t get how people on that stupid query contest could say the things they did, that it doesn’t make sense. I’ve tried so hard to seek your approval but I won’t ever meet your expectations. I’m done trying.

      • Arianna says:

        Right. I’m actually a pretty legit writer who just can’t seem to figure out this query thing. But I will say I think I’m on the right track with this one. The last two chapters I’ve written have been pretty good and will be awesome after some polishing. I’m also brainstorming an amazing story for NaNoWriMo and I’ll probably start writing short stories on my blog. And you try to get t approval by always arguing with me? Good plan.

    • Arianna says:

      We recognize the council has made a statement. Seeing that it’s a stupid ass statement, we’ve elected to ignore it.

      Haha! That’s my favorite line… Well, more or less.

      • pinegorilla says:

        That’s pretty rude. If you don’t agree, just say that or ignore it. I choose to ignore your opinions on abortion because I disagree and don’t care to argue with you. Please do the same for me.

  • Maggie says:

    oops, double post

  • Maggie says:

    I wanna take mr. writer’s block out of my head, punch him in the face, and start singing out of my head.

  • Maggie says:

    I wanna take mr. writer’s block out of my head, punch him in the face, and start singing out of my head.

  • Maggie says:

    my foot’s asleep.

  • Zula says:

    Lisi, sorry to hear you were ill! I’m not a fan of throwing up but I’ve never hated it as much as that! Hope your feeling better now though! I don’t get that either when you text someone and no reply, then call and they answer straight away, strange world we live in! 😛

    Also, any Louise Rennison fans on here? The other queen of YA (after Lisi of course!) Yeah? WELL SHE’S COMING TO MY SCHOOL! SO FREAKING EXCITED TO MEET HER!!! 😀 😀

    • Haylee says:

      OMG, Zula you’re back! 😀 And you get to meet Louise Rennison!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m jealous! And how’s stuff with your crush going? And thanks about the music rec! I love that band now! I recommend the band RED, the band HURTS, Alex Clare, the band Courrier and Andrew Belle (my fav song by him is “All These Pretty Lights”) And I miss talking to you! Maybe we should come on more often! And did you know Ian and Nina’s relationship got confirmed recently? 😉 About time! And did you see the new footage of season 4 recently? And also Damon and Elena are supposed to have a major scene in 4×04 and at first the anti-Delena supporters were pissed and getting mad but a few weeks later there’s a new spoiler that Bonnie will be accompanying them in this episode. Darn! And now the “Bamon” shippers are all smug and think that they’ll get a good Bamon scene in 4×04. And also what do you ship on this show besides Delena and Forwood. My romantic ships are Delena (they’re my OTP), Steroline, Steferine, & Jyler. I know this will never happen, but I’ve been beginning to like the idea of Kol and Bonnie. And unpopular opinion but I actually love Bonnie more than Caroline. I mean I love Caroline too and I used to love her more than Bonnie but I’d been really disapponted with Caroline’s storylines this season and her character growth has been quite static so now I like Bonnie more. And I love Elena and Katherine obviously. I liked Rebekah a lot in the beginning but later I didn’t like what they did with her character.

      • Haylee says:

        I do feel sorry for Bex though.

      • Zula says:

        I ALWAYS read the blah-g, granted a couple of days late sometimes 😛 , but then never post a comment for a few days, i’m a bit crazy like that! and I don’t have as much free time now school’s back with a vengance 🙁 but I know, Louise Rennison! It’s not till October but I cant believe it! 😀 ahh, well I came to my senses and realised we’re much better off only as friends so called a stop to the flirting! But then on holiday with my cousins I met this Irish boy (THE ACCENT! :P) and we’re fairly good friends, and if I go back out there next summer we’re going to see what happens! Excitingggg :L so new crush for me! 😉 All those pretty lights is so cute! New music love I think! Bless Ian and Nina, so happy for them! 😀 Really?! I’m actually not a huge fan of Bonnie, since she left for a while and then came back her character just doesnt seem like she used to, much more detached? I completely agree with you about Rebekah, at first she was so interesting and dramatic, but the more her storylines went on I thought I liked her, but I realise now it was pity! I’m so glad the summer haitus is over though, tvd, glee, 2 broke girls, gossip girl, hart of dixie and so much more are coming back! Hahaha

      • Haylee says:

        You watch Gossip Girl? what do you ship in there? I used to love GG but then I hated it and on GG I shipped Dan/Blair and Nate/Jenny and I’m not going to watch season 6 I think. Chuck and Blair are endgame anyways. I really don’t like them together. Their whole so-called “great” love reminds me too much of Stefan and Elena’s so-called “epic” love. I was a Chuck and Blair fan until the second half of season 3. After that I started to like Dair and then the hotel incident happened and I really stopped liking Chair. And yay for the new crush! I love Irish accents. Like that guy on OUAT who plays Graham! Speaking of which I think my crush is no more 🙂 I like this guy who rides at my local stable (I horseback ride.) I know right! They make such a cute couple! Once they were at a convention and the interviewer asked them about the Rebekah torturing Damon photos (this was before the ep aired.) and he’s smirking at Nina and says “Just like every other women in my life.” And did you see that one interview where Ian gets asked about the controversial move that Nina did on this one talk show? that was funny. And when I saw girls in my gym class doing the same move that Nina did I told them about the Ian interview and they laughed. And I love Bonnie because she is badass, how she isn’t as biased as other characters when it comes to what would make Elena happy (example: 3×12.) and tries to understand and her intelligence. Caroline on the other hand she is bubbly and opinionated and while I do understand why she thinks the way she does (she has every right.) I think that Bonnie is a bit more mature in handling something than Caroline is.) But I do think Caroline is a great character and I understand why people like her. I’m just really disappointed about how her storylines revolved mostly around romance this season and we didn’t get enough of that season 2 badassness. But I do agree somewhat about the way they write Bonnie. And you watch Hart of Dixie! I love Zoe with both George and Wade, I can’t choose! And did you see that clip of Caroline and Klaus making out? And did you see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcMjtp8a7SY It’s amazing!

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    google ain’t working. going to powerpoint. Again, Anyone on? I feel lonely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    off to the magical google, tata

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    Oh by the way this is maggie if you can’t tell by the nyan cat icon that’s next to this comment.
    there ===>
    The school computer is janked up and makes me vamp0gurrl. IDK. So anyway, i’m off to stare at the computer screen for an hour. anyone on?

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    I feel like a comment hog. I’ve commented more than anyone else. wow. I better slow down.

  • vamp0gurrl says:

    I’m sugar high, at school, doing a project on lisi. What fun!

  • Renee Hashemi says:

    Hey Lisi ! That toe-dally sucks x10! I hope that all is well!
    I luh-v the clique and the Alphas beyond words!
    I am having my sweet 16 on the september 22!

  • Maggie says:

    I’m Back on Blogger! Click the ol’ Name

  • Maggie says:

    I’m not sure if missing the lips on my bieber poster means i have bad aim, or his head’s too small…

  • Maggie says:

    Creepy texts to never send! It’s late, I’m on the magical internet, I found this list and laughed.
    1) You don’t know me, but your hair smells amazing. (Especially when woven into a shirt.)

    2) Do you know anyone who pays cash for human teeth (don’t worry, not my own)?

    3) What’s your favorite game? Mine’s called Following You Without You Knowing.

    4) You look so cute when you’re sleeping. P.S. Try cleaning your closet sometime.

    5) I wish I could sew myself to you.

    6) I will give you one thousand dollars to smell your shoes. Please. It’s an emergency.

    7) I would make out with your shadow on a gravel driveway.

    8) How much money do you want for your old toothbrush?

    9) We would make an amazing couple. I’m the guy sitting behind you at Starbucks right now. I got your number by looking over your shoulder while you were texting your boyfriend.

    10) My pet bird died. I still have him though. He’s my only friend.

    11) I want to put your Q-tips up my nose and go to sleep.

    12) You know those birds that live inside crocodile’s mouths? I want to live inside your mouth.

    13) Quick, tell me everything you know about black market organ donation.

    14) I made a blood painting for you.

    15) I love you more than my jar of fingers.

    16) My favorite color is clear. That way I can always see you.

    17) I bought the most expensive binoculars. That’s how much I love you.

    18) You remind me of my sister. In a romantic way.

    19) You would make a great soup.

    20) I named my cat after you. You’re welcome.

    21) Maybe you’ll love me back, in heaven.

    22) I want to chew your food for you.

    23) Wanna go to the movies? JK, let’s take a nap at the cemetery.

    24) I painted a picture of your soul. I’ll give it to you outside the abandoned knife factory at midnight. Come alone.

    25) I invented an emotion to describe our relationship, it’s called loveangerfrowns.

    26) May I have a piece of your toenail clippings to tape to my eyeglass lens?

    27) Just thought I would let you know, today is our negative two year anniversary.

    28) You are like an angel that died and then was reborn as a woman. I know because you still smell like dead angel.

    29) The veins in your neck are exquisite. Simply exquisite.

    30) My aunt says I’m the best kisser she’s ever known.

    31) I would do anything for you. Especially steal tranquilizers from the vet’s office. Seriously, say the word. I’ll do it.

    32) I want to live in a nest of your hair.

    33) On a scale from one to ten, I’m attracted to you whatever number equals being willing to rip out my own heart and put it in a box and leave it on your doorstep. Is that a seven?

    34) Remember when you said my nose was weird? I cut it off! Can we go out now?

    35) I secretly changed my name to your name, so when I tongue-kiss the mirror we are finally happening.

    36) What do you mean you don’t want to go out with me? I have a shrine to you! A SHRINE!

    37) My favorite movie is a cell phone video I made of you playing field hockey. It’s called Silence of the Lambs 4.

  • gossipwoman says:

    ok thanks.

  • Haylee says:

    OK, just trying to make conversation: what fandom r u? For me, Suits- Harvey/Donna (Darvey)

    • thecrazydesi15 says:

      I’m a Potterhead, a *tiny* Whovian (because my DVR has problems recording Dr. Who and I can’t find any other place to watch it!), a Gleek, a One Directioner, I love the BBC adaptation of Sherlock Holmes….idk…I love how I can’t think of anything now but five minutes later I will 😀

    • Maggie says:

      I’m a Belieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look at my Eddie-with-bieber-hair icon!!!!!! Eddie’s my cat. not to be confused with Ed my computer.

  • Alice says:

    I’m finally starting to lose some weight.

  • Maggie says:

    I just patched up 9 holes on my jeans. Now they have 4 eyes like stackon on one leg, a monster mouth and eyes on the other.

  • Maggie says:


  • Maggie says:

    the chihuahuawatch pic is like the cutest thing ever

  • Anjor :) says:

    Aww, feel better Lisi!
    Ah, kale. There’s a reason I don’t like it. (That and brussel sprouts. blech.)
    Throwing up is the worst! I hate it. Don’t worry; use it as a valid excuse to curl up on the couch with blankets, chocolates, ice cream, and your favorite rom-coms. (I personally recommend “Letter’s to Juliet”. It’s my fave!).
    I can actually kind of relate, as I’m sick right now myself (It’s. AWFUL.) Blowing your nose every five minutes, feeling cold and shivering, and sleeping so much that it rival’s my friend’s cats personal sleeping record; let’s just say I’ve had enough of it. And whenever I’m sick, there’s NEVER anything good on TV! It’s like the universe seems to conspire against you. Ah well. We went to Hershey near the end of summer, so I’ve got some left-over chocolate to keep me company.
    Feel better!

    • Haylee says:

      @Anjor You’re sick? Hope you get better soon Anjor! And yeah, I’m sick too, but my mom still makes me go to school 🙁 And lol about your friends cats! I know right! They usually air old reruns of stuff I wouldn’t care about (except Friends. I love Friends.) so I usually rely on my DVR or Netflix to keep me company. And if you need something to alleviate the boredness and want something with smart writing: watch Suits and Once Upon A Time. Or if you want a guilty pleasure kinda show watch Grey’s Anantomy or The Vampire Diaries. And mmmm. I want some chocolate right now- I’m really hungry.

      • Anjor :) says:

        Aww, get better soon! Yeah, my mom usually just stuffs my face with cough syrup, gives me a fistful of tissues, pats my back, and then off I go to school, hacking and coughing. This time, I was like “No I will throw up if I get out of bed” and at first my parents thought “Oh, it’s probably no that serious,” blah blah blah; but it turned out to be. Long story short, my Dad got some new fancy medicine, and I got better over the weekend.
        It’s a miracle!
        Ah, I just recently started watching Grey’s Anatomy. At first, I couldn’t stand the whole “OMR LET’S GO CUT PEOPLE OPEN YAY” thing, but then I was like “OMR MCDREAMY YES”, so there ya go 😀 I’m only on Season Two right now, but between Honors classes, musical rehearsals, guitar lessons, vocal lessons, and dance, I barely have time to breathe. I’m not complaining though. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
        A couple of my friends are completely OBSESSED with “Once Upon a Time”. Seriously. When they see each other, that’s all they talk about. I shall have to check it out.
        Haylee honey; I’m sending you loads of chocolate and Nutella and soup and snuggies right now (via internet, yes I know). And a hug. Get better soon!

    • Haylee says:

      Thanks 🙂 And that’s great! Glad you’re feeling OK.
      And I Iove Grey’s Anatomy, especially Derek and Meredith. Thursdays are usually guilty pleasure show days like TVD, Grey’s Anatomy, X-Factor, The Big Bang Theory. And with GA, I love the music they play on there, the surgeries in season 8 are getting more complicated now and I bawled my eyes out watching the finale.
      And OUAT is awesome! The storytelling is unlike most shows on TV, the casting is amazing, I love Rumpelstilskin (he’s my fave character.) and I even got my boy cousin to watch it. 😀 anyways, gtg!

      • Anjor :) says:

        Oh my Rowling; I swear; the music on that show IS THE BEST.
        I am still obsessed with the song “Infinity” by Merrick. My mom went insane because I couldn’t stop humming/singing/breathing/talking/eating/playing/everything-ing that song!
        You’re a fellow BBT lover? SOUL SISTER! All I need to do is get you addicted on How I Met Your Mother (I live on that show) and Harry Potter and the wonders of fake mustaches (tip: carry one in your back pocket at all times. You never know when the Call of the Curl might be upon you!). Then we shall be twins 😀
        I will look up OUAT, kay? 😀

  • Laura says:

    Does anyone here watch the X Factor? Cary Rose Sonenclar(the 13 year old girl who has a really great voice) is from Westchester, NY… just thought I would share haha 🙂

  • srishti says:

    omigosh maggie!!!
    thankfully i haven’t had to face such abominable torment yet 🙂 🙂
    now i’ll be extra good… 🙂

  • Olivia says:

    aww I hope you feel better 🙁
    p.s. i’m kinda new here…. but I just gotta say I love the site design! 🙂

  • Julia says:

    Being sick stinks!
    My friend once said, “Ugh, I want to be sick so I can miss school,”
    I don’t know about you, but when I’m sick, I cannot do ANYTHING! I can’t even text, it givees me a headache.
    Then the next day I played in an eight-hour lacrosse tournament…
    Love you, Lisi!

    • Maggie says:

      my immune system is like indestructable. I’m like your friend. I had perfect attendance 3 years in a row.When I’m sick, I can just stay on the ccomputer all day.When i’m not sick I do the same thing…

      • srishti says:

        Haha:):) It’s the 21st century… Who CAN’T live without the comp?? It makes me hyperventilate to imagine a week without the internet… Or even a day for that matter…
        And I don’t know about my immune system.. At times it does seem to take a holiday:):) But I HATE missing school!!! I know it’s weird but when you miss even a day you have to catch up on all the work on your own… Bleah..

      • Maggie says:

        I had to spend 2 weeks without my computer, phone, or TV. I was grounded. I crashed and grabbed my DSi to get internet 😉

      • nadiabean21 says:

        Haha that’s classic! I would do the same thing.

  • Arianna says:

    New blog post. Not that any of you actually read it. I get no comments and I’m luck to get more than 20 pageviews anymore. Love y’all too.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Sorry the restaurant was so lame after they obviously poisoned you 🙁

  • rujuta says:

    aww lisi poor u puking SUCKS it freaks me out too:/ but thats freaky how u wrote about it and puked:o sometimes just THINKING about it makes me feel sick:(:(

  • SAM says:

    let us be able to read old blah gs from the past plez!!

  • Tamara says:

    Awe, I’m glad you feel better lisi. But don’t change the new site!! I love it!!

  • srishti says:

    No worries Lisi, the new site is e-p-i-c! Now I recall a time when I was imagining random scary scenarios which I had to somehow weed myself out of. I sat during Geography, getting increasingly worked up over not being able to cross a brick wall without anything but an old umbrella when my friend jabbed me hard and told me to shut it. Apparently I had been muttering like a nutcase while the Geogo teacher went on about igneous intrusive landforms.
    See? Boredom is often quite hazardous… 🙂
    Anyway… Your story is waay dramatic (in a good way)… And it seriously got me that if you successfully imagine yourself as the character… Then because his/her life is now YOUR life… you’ll start experiancing stuff they do.. like puking (ugh ugh ugh) 🙂 🙂

  • Laila says:

    O.O You had the power of literally writing your life at that moment. You should’ve written ‘driving a 4WD across the safari land in Kenya, chasing wild giraffes and zebras and lions and elephants under a scorching sun’… no wait, that’s my dream. What a pity, the moment gone – keep it in mind next time, Lisi 😉

    That being said, I’m glad you’ve got the energy to do your taxes now. I know how much fun it is, you needn’t ask how envious I am, I’m absolutely green to the point I imagined inventing make-believe taxes for myself…. okay, seriously now, I’m glad you’re better, and yes, partially jealous of how reliable and lovable Kevy is towards you ^^

  • Arianna says:

    That was really gross, but also really adorable at the same time! Awww, Kevy! I hope you’re feeling better! And get that book done! I wanna read it!! (:

  • Haylee says:

    Does anyone here watch The Vampire Diaries and Suits? I know Rosella Malfoy does- by the way I checked out your blog- you ship Datherine, Beremy and Forwood? Haha you are my complete opposite. Ships I hate: Stelena, Bamon, Klaroline, Datherine (I don’t exactly hate it….but I dislike it a lot.) Ships I Like: Elejah, Kennett, Klefan, Maroline (I used to love Forwood a lot but then all they did was make out and f*** like bunnies after 3×05 and weren’t as cute anymore.), Kol/Katherine Ships I love: Delena, Jyler, Steroline, Steferine, Kalijah
    Non-romantic ships: I’m not sure if you are a Defan/Team Salvatore supporter….but I HATE Defan I was fine with it in s1 & s2 but after s3, Defan equals NO. Wincest is better (watch SPN, it really shows brotherhood in a better light than TVD.) I however love Dalaric, Deremy, Klefan (but I also ship it romantically ;)), ot4 (Damon, Jeremy, Elena, and Alaric….my favorite family bond on the show), Klebekah, Matt/Jeremy friendship, Matt/Elena friendship, Bonnie/Elena friendship……I feel like I’m going to get a lot of crap for this but I don’t support the Carolena friendship. I mean they are OK, but I was never passionate about them. That whole Caroline quote in 3×01 annoyed me, it contradicted the Carolena convo in 1×05….she was being biased, although I do like Caroline.
    Speaking of annoying things, Elena hate really bothers me. People treat her like she’s a second-class love interest for the Salvatores, ALWAYS show their bias when it comes to Damon or Stefan but are unfair to her own POV which makes sense as well, treat her like she has no character journey and is boring (which is not true….just open your mind a little….I think her journey parallels Damon’s a lot and is a great character and is only going to get more interesting as a vamp.) , etc. It comes from both DE and SE fans but I notice that in the SE fanbase more, no I’m not being biased compare the Elena hate in the tags (and they call her a slut ALL THE TIME….which she isn’t just as Peyton from One Tree Hill is not a slut even though I love Brooke more than Peyton. Want to know who is a slut? Serena Van Der Woodsen….I hate her, she ruined Dair :(, Nair, etc.) , can easily forgive Stefan for their misdeeds but using their logic shouldn’t they forgive Elena? Again, this doesn’t go for all SE shippers, I’m friends with one but this is something I’ve noticed.

  • Nikki says:

    Sorry you don’t feel good Lisi! I hope you get better soon! P.S. Don’t eat bagels with onions when you are feeling sick to your stomach. Trust me. (TMI?)
    I LOOOVE the new site’s colors! Pink and orange are my fav… just saying.

  • Aisha says:

    I’m a bit late, but I absolutely love the new site. Anyway, I know how you feel about vomiting. That feeling before you upchuck is horrible. I hope you feel better, Lisi. :

  • Shaila Gottlieb says:

    Glad you are feeling better…ironic…you are puking and sweating like the book and I’m saying UNO in my sleep!

    Love ya

  • Haylee says:

    Whoa! That’s crazy Lisi! Glad you’re feeling better now though. You know what’s ironic? A similar thing happened to me today. My teacher had to help me feel better. And I like how this site is styled but at the same time, it frustrates me on how I can’t see many of my friends from the old blah-g. Maybe you should redirect LH.net to this site so people would know more about it.

  • Massie Block says:

    I love your site’s new look! It’s so fabulous and I agree that it was time for you to upgrade.
    I also despise barfing. I recently had the stomach virus and needed to throw up so bad, and I knew it would help me feel better, but I just didn’t want to! I was scared to.
    It’s very odd that writing about those things made you feel them!
    I also like how your site is more comment-friendly. On your old site, I would try to post a comment, and for some reason it would never post. I think this was a great upgrade for you! 🙂


  • Mehreen says:

    My avatar is not changing!!!Help!!!

  • squiddy86 says:

    I feel the same way about vomiting (well maybe not quite to that extreme), I get really nervous and worked up when I know I’m about to vomit. Oh, and I really liked how I could enlarge the photo! P.S. You look pretty in your “My Comments” latest picture 🙂

  • Mehreen says:

    Thank ur the best!! And hi I’m new!

  • Kaitlyn says:

    Maybe it was all in your head… or as Massie says it was bad sushi. Ok so more like bad organic vegan food.

  • Kaitlyn says:

    I love the new site, the only thing is that i wish we could go back and see blogs from years past like on the old one. Sorry about your food posining (if that’s what it was) But very glad your feeling better and BTW i can not wait for your new book!

  • I agree with Maggie’s theory. — I don’t mind puking when I’m sick or have the flu, I always feel better/calm after it. 😛

  • Rebecca says:

    Aw, Lisi. I feel your pain. I hate puking too, but maybe not as much as having violent diarrhea in a crowded elevator. Even when you’re sick, you’re funny!

  • Maggie says:

    Maybe writing about it made you body relize you felt that way, still crazy though

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