Blog posts with the tag: Pretenders: License to Spill

Leaking the Spill

The countdown to Pretenders 2 is AWN!! License To Spill drops June 24th and all of your questions will be answered. I know many of you were outraged by the cliffhanger at the end of book one. I get it. You were left there to dangle and the drop was steep. If the drop were an actress it would be named Meryl Steep. If it had a few girlfriends stay over night it would be a steepover. If it was the title of an Adele song it would be Rolling in The Steep.

License to Spill

Naturally you sent your angry reviews to me because you don’t know who X-Phonie is. But I made sure X responded to them. So the second book …

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Boobs and Bathingsuits

Hello there. I was hoping that title would get your attention.

Okay fine, I’ll own it. I dropped the Blah-g yesterday. I’m sorry. But I happened to be inside this theater attending an ah-mazing concert and I didn’t have time to post.


If you don’t know this band of three badass and extremely talented sisters, make it your business to get to know them. Not at this exact second, but the moment you finish reading this.

The other thing that consumed me yesterday was my research for The Dirty Book Club. The novel is set in present-day California, but there are a lot of flashbacks. The one I am working on now takes place in 1973 so I ordered a …

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