Blog posts in the category: For the Self

Boyfast of Champions

It seems as though a lot of you have been experiencing boy troubles lately. Now that spring has sprung those feelings are going to intensify and have the ability to cause even those most level headed among us to spiral out of control. On March 23 Julia posted a comment suggesting a boyfast and I have to say I agree.

What’s a boyfast? If you read Bratfest at Tiffany’s you already know it’s what Massie Block suggested the Pretty Committee do when their boy obsessions got out of control. It’s a boy-free week. Time to focus on yourself, your friends, your family, and all that charity work you keep meaning to do. I’m not suggesting you delete any contacts or …

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Q & Eh. (I’m Canadian, remember?)

What’s that? You posted a question for me in the Comments section of this Blah-g? Something I haven’t been asked a trillion times before? Nothing to do with The Clique being turned into a movie or which character I’m most like? I’m in!

1. Q: What’s your favorite thing about humanity? (Erica Jane).

Eh: (This question makes me feel like a beauty pageant contestant.)

My favorite thing about humanity is our differences. Individually, we are jagged puzzle pieces. Our strengths and interests are all so different. Alone we aren’t capable of much. But when we come together the picture is divine.  Together we build, heal, teach, create, explore, expand and evolve. We each have something unique to offer. And …

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Leggo my Ego

In high school my go-to chocolate bar was Twix. I never grew tired of the chocolate-caramel-cookie combo, but my love stretched far beyond the superficial. It was more about the challenge. How much chocolate and caramel could I scrape off the cookie using only my bottom teeth? On a great day–all of it. Medium day–a few caramel smears. Bad day–chocolate skid marks.

This is how I stayed occupied while my mom ran boring errands. Now it’s a metaphor for how I process rejection.

Rejection comes in many forms. A broken heart, not making the team, not being invited, not getting that scholarship, not getting into your dream college, not getting the job, not getting that book deal, not getting in …

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Sage Advice

Sara, I don’t know who you are but I think I love you. You posted a comment last week in response to Julia and Arianna’s boy troubles. Was I about to respond to them? Yes! Did I change my mind after I read your thoughtful and insightful rant? You bet’cha! I couldn’t possibly compete with that. Look at my photo comment below. “Great advice Sara” was all I could muster. I was at a loss for words. You’re that good.

I wanted to call you for a private session this morning but I didn’t have your number. You see, Sara, I have been a little blocked lately. Not in a need-bran-sort-of way. Not in a stupped-up-dose-sort-of-way. And nawt in a …

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Faking Amazing.

A show of hands  if you feel confident today.

I didn’t see any so I assume your self-esteem is close to mine–somewhere between the sole of my wedge and the depths of hell. October will do that to a girl. Tans are fading, homework is piling up, and our exciting new back-to-school outfits are sooo last month.

I mean look at this hair!!!

It would appear as though all hope is lost. Or at the very least, my brush. But I seriously hate being unhappy. Okay fine, I like it for a few minutes because unhappy can be kind of funny.  But after I milk some laughs from my pathetic situation I prefer to feel good. So here are five …

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