Yearly Archives: 2012

Faking Amazing.

A show of hands  if you feel confident today.

I didn’t see any so I assume your self-esteem is close to mine–somewhere between the sole of my wedge and the depths of hell. October will do that to a girl. Tans are fading, homework is piling up, and our exciting new back-to-school outfits are sooo last month.

I mean look at this hair!!!

It would appear as though all hope is lost. Or at the very least, my brush. But I seriously hate being unhappy. Okay fine, I like it for a few minutes because unhappy can be kind of funny.  But after I milk some laughs from my pathetic situation I prefer to feel good. So here are five …


Forgive me Blah-g for I have sinned. It has been six months since my last entry about the Gracelet. So allow me to refresh your memory.

New series coming out. Phoenix Five. Most popular freshman’s secret journals are exposed. One of the characters, Vanessa Riley (check out her board on Pintrest) is a full-on over achiever. At least that’s what she wants people to believe. Anyway, she loves stockpiling awards. Among the many, she is in hot pursuit of—I’ll have her tell you:

“I entered the Girl Scout’s Young Women of Distinction contest. First place: Gold Award! Super prestigious. My entry is a bracelet with a secret compartment inside an envelope. You write a personal goal on a piece of


You are sophisticated enough to know that a faux-pas is the fancy French way of saying, what we North American’s typically call, “a fu#%-up.” Or what I, being far too eloquent to curse might refer to as, “a blunder” or “a mistake.” But have you heard of the phone-pas? Doubtful since as of post-time I am convinced I coined the term, which means, “a blunder we make with our phones”.

In celebration of the new iPhone5 I present 5 PHONE-PAS you MUST avoid.

1. It’s 2012. Even vampires show up on film these days. So don’t let a camera and microphone convince you that you have something smart to say. If you don’t know what you’re talking about make like …

Spray It Forward

We’ve all heard the expression, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” We’ve heard, “Life imitates art.” But yesterday, I birthed its love child. Meet, “You are seriously, never in a billion years, ehv-er, going to believe this.” Born, Wednesday, September 12th at approximately 2:30 PM/PST.
I had twenty pages to go on my Phoenix Five revision. Right on schedule. After I sent draft two to my editor I would post my Blah-g, and then file my quarterly taxes. A to-do-list-lover’s dream day.
Being human, I took a break and bought a salad from a fancy, organic, vegan, healthy-high-horse, we’re-awesome-‘cause-we-eat-kale-instead-of-anything-with-eyes-or-lungs-and-our-yogurt-has-live-active-cultures-in-it kind of place. And a Coke Zero. (Human remember?)
I returned to my desk to eat and finish off my last twenty …

Um, Lisi, Did You Get Lasik Eye Surgery?

Then what’s with the new site?
Simple. I’ve been rocking the LH Wallet for five years Purse-Wallet Site

and, like most wallets, it needed change. (Yep, pun intended. New site, same old humor.)

I know, I know. It looks sooooo different. And different can be scary. So place your virtual hand in mine and let’s explore our new hang spot together.

Look up. Top right corner.

Facebook? Hello, friend.
Twitter? Tuh-weet.
Pintrest? I thought you’d never ask.

One click and we’re connected. I realize you know how it works. But did you know that I have quit being a Twitter quitter? Pinky-swear. I will be tweeting constantly now, updating you on my latest #SIC (Sharing Is Caring