Yearly Archives: 2014



I had an interesting request in my Facebook inbox yesterday, one nobody in their right mind would pass up. Julia from Brazil asked if I would be a part of her large-scale scavenger hunt. How large scale? She explains it like this:

“This year I’ve joined G.S.H.W.H.E.S., which stands for The Greatest Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. And the reason I’m here writing you this is because my team really needs your help. One of the tasks is to get a NYT best-selling author to read the “California Driver Handbook – Laws and Rules of the Road” dramatically in a video. It doesn’t have to be the entire text, just a section. We would be eternally


Thank you for your birthday wishes and the motorcade of Fed Ex and UPS trucks that have been delivering gifts to my house for the last twenty-four hours. I survived another one, my friends. When I think of my last year, I truly wonder how. But then I see this video invite my ah-mazing friend Jenn made for my party and I know. I survived because I have great friends, a supportive family, awesome fans, patient editors, and a ton of water. Yes, water.  As you will see in this video I do my best to get those 8 glasses in every day.


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Forever Pretenders

My Facebook inbox is heavy with your confessions. Some of these secrets are so good, I’d love to give the pretender credit for their confessional courage, but everything here stays anonymous. Of all the confessions I’ve received from readers since Pretenders first released, these are my top 10 favorites. Pretending is now officially ubiquitous and nobody is immune. How do you pretend?














Spill it!

License to Spill

It’s been less than a month since Pub Day and I ah-dore all the positive feedback on the second installment of the Pretenders series. If it’s more you want check out this page. It has a preview of License to Spill plus journal entries called “spilled secrets” for Lily, Vanessa, Jagger, Sheridan, and Duffy.

License to Spill

License to Spill License to Spill


I’m starting book 3 and want to know what you think so far. Who’s X Phonie? Did you catch my clues? Who has the strongest motive for spilling these secrets? Come on… spill it!



Q&A Part 3


Q&A Part 3

Hi friends. I’ve got three more video replies for you today. Plus some sweet under-eye circles to prove how hard I’m working. Jannette, Jacinda, and Kaelan, these are for you.

* * *

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Opps, my reply was too long so the video was cut short. The rest said: It’s easier to admit you’re not perfect than it is to cover it up.

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[wpvideo nNBNbMmp]


More to come next week!



Q&A Continued

I’ve loved reading all the questions you’ve submitted to me through the Blah-g and Facebook. I’m working my way through them and going to keep video responding over the next couple of weeks to make sure I get to all of you. Looks like my days of writing with bed head are over. You sure know how to force a girl to clean up.

Shame on you person who invented video. SHAME ON YOU!

Today’s response is for Adia.

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Raging Glitch Part 2

I said nothing would stop me from answering your questions and I meant it. Does it matter that my video responses are coming two days later than I said? Maybe it does. But I put my heart into these answers and then raced off to the Santa Monica Public Library for NOVL’s Summer Soiree where I got to meet some of you in person. Here’s Jack from Tuesday. How cute is he?
This reader walked up and I knew right away Massie was her favorite. I can tell everyone’s favorite Clique or Pretenders character in an instant.
Special nails for License to Spill’s release.
Sheridan Pretenders Nails


I’m back in the office, working hard to respond to your questions. Gustavo, Rebecca, and …

Raging Glitch

Did you miss the NOVL Summer Soiree Spreecast last week? Yep, me too. Tech support tried for over an hour to get me on so I could answer your questions and dish on License to Spill (June 24) but I was a Spreecast outcast and we never got to hang.
Well, if you honestly think a glitch is going to stop me from answering your questions, there’s an even bigger glitch that needs dealing with and it’s your faith in me. No way I’m going to pass up an opportunity to answer your questions. NO! WAY! Ask me anything about anything on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in a comment here on the Blah-g. I’ll personally

All The Free Things – Summer Edition

Hi friends,

Lisi is in the writer’s cave again meeting deadlines for the Dirty Book Club. I’ve been enlisted to guest blog, so I’ve done a bit of research to help you all find adventures this summer, even if you’re on a budget (like me). Hope you enjoy.


Alisha _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ summer picnic

For most of you it’s finally officially summer. But just because you suddenly have a whole bunch of free time on your hands doesn’t mean you also have endless funds in your pockets for summer activities. If you’re like me and always trying to have the most amazing adventures you can on as little as possible, then the research I’m about to share with you might come in handy. …

Letter Have It



I will share my opinion whether you ask for it or not. So imagine my joy when PaShai and Emma wrote to me and ASKED for advice. Yes, my friends, dreams do come true.

From PaShai:

Hi Lisi Harrison! I’ve read all your books about 300 times each! I’m not like any other girl that you have met. I have sickle cell anemia. And it is a very disturbing disease that triggers your back with excruciating pain..and if I don’t get it treated I could have a stroke or worse. Please Ms.Harrison you’re my only hope to accomplishing my dream. I want to talk to you about what kind books I would enjoy writing and what I would want